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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'



Toasts are temporary messages from the system published to the user. Toasts are used to attract attention from a user without affecting the user experience permanently.
Toasts contain an information which is temporarily displayed decentralized from the main content.
If the user does not interact with the item it will vanish after a global configurable amount of time.


OSD notification
OSD notification are of the similar purpose as toast but arent a component ATM(26.04.2021). Therefore toast suppose to replace and unify this UI violation.
Message Box
The Message Box it primarily used to catch the users awarness for serious problems or error and is therefore more intrusive or even used to interrupt the users workflow, while toast will provide some less serious information which can be optional ignored by the user.
System Info
System Info is used for system specific information without temporal dependencies, while toast are used for temporal information without semantic dependencies. Therefore Toast can be used for matching information about the system to increase their temporal awareness without changing the workflow of system infos.


  1. The Toast SHOULD be used for all Notifications which include temporal relevant information for a user.
  2. The Toast SHOULD NOT be used for Notifications which are not time relevant to the point of their creation.
  1. If a notification has temporal relevance for a user, it SHOULD be preceded by a Toast.
  1. Click interactions with the Toast MUST remove it permanently.
  1. The Toast MUST be visible on the top layer of the page, Therefore it MUST cover up all other UI Items in its space.
  2. The Toast disappear after a certain amount of time or earlier by user interaction. No interaction can extends the Toast time of appearance above the global defined amount.
  1. All interactions SHOULD be only accessible as long a the Toast is not vanished.
  2. All Toast MUST alert screen readers when appearing and therefore MUST declare the role "alert" or aria-live.


  1. UIComponent
  • Standard
  • Container