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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'

Meta Bar


The Meta Bar is a unique page section to accomodate elements that should permamently be in sight of the user. The Meta Bar shall, first of all, host Prompts, i.e. notifications from the System to the user, but may also accomodate components and links deemed important, like help or search. The content of the bar does not change when navigating the system, but may depend on a configuration.
The Meta Bar is rendered horizontally at the very top of the page. It is always visible and available (except in some specialized view modes like an kiosk mode) as a static screen element and is unaffected by scrolling. Elements in the Meta Bar are always placed on the right-hand side. Currently, these are "Search", "Help", "Notifications", "Awareness" and "User". Especially in mobile context, the total width of all entries may exceed the available width of the screen. In this case, all entries are summarized under a "..."-Button. Elements are rendered as Bulky Buttons. Prompts in the Meta Bar may be marked with counters for new/existing notifications.
Entries in the Meta Bar may open a Slate when clicked. They will be set to "engaged" accordingly. There will be only one engaged Button/Slate at a time. Also, Buttons in the Meta Bar may trigger navigation or activate tools in the Main Bar, like the Help. In this case, the buttons are not stateful.
  1. The Meta Bar is used in the Standard Page.


Main Bar
The Main Bar offers navigational strategies, while the Meta Bar foremost provides notifications to the user and offers controls that are deemed important. The (general) direction of communication for the Meta Bar is "system to user", while the direction is "user to system" for elements of the Main Bar.


  1. The Meta Bar is unique for the page - there MUST be at most one.
  2. Elements in the Meta Bar MUST NOT vary according to context.
  3. New elements in the Meta Bar MUST be approved by JF.
  4. Since mainly items that pitch the user are placed in the Meta Bar, you SHOULD only propose items for this section that have the nature of informing the user.
  1. The bar MUST have a fixed height.
  1. The Meta Bar MUST bear the ARIA role "menubar".
  2. Bulky Buttons in the Meta Bar MUST bear the "aria-pressed" attribute to inform the user if the entry is engaged or disengaged at the moment.
  3. Bulky Buttons in the Meta Bar MUST bear the "aria-haspopup" attribute.
  4. Bulky Buttons in the Meta Bar MUST bear the ARIA role "menuitem".
  5. Slates in the Meta Bar MUST bear the ARIA role "menu".

Example 1: Base metabar

The Metabar Example opens in Fullscreen to showcase the behaviour of the metabar best. Note, an comprensive example for developers on how to access the JS API of the Metabar feature bellow in the second example.

See UI in fullscreen-mode
namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\MainControls\MetaBar;
use ILIAS\DI\Container;
function base_metabar(): string
    global $DIC;
    $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $url = $DIC->http()->request()->getUri()->__toString() . '&new_metabar_ui=1';
    $txt = $f->legacy('<p>
            The Metabar Example opens in Fullscreen to showcase the behaviour of the metabar best.
            Note, an comprensive example for developers on how to access the JS API of the Metabar
            feature bellow in the second example.
    $page_demo = $f->link()->standard('See UI in fullscreen-mode', $url);
    return $renderer->render([
function buildMetabar(\ILIAS\UI\Factory $f): \ILIAS\UI\Component\MainControls\MetaBar
    $help = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->help(), 'Help', '#');
    $search = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->search(), 'Search', '#');
    $user = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->user(), 'User', '#');
    $notes = $f->mainControls()->slate()->legacy(
        $f->legacy('some content')
    return $f->mainControls()->metaBar()
             ->withAdditionalEntry('search', $search)
             ->withAdditionalEntry('help', $help)
             ->withAdditionalEntry('notes', $notes)
             ->withAdditionalEntry('user', $user);
global $DIC;
$request_wrapper = $DIC->http()->wrapper()->query();
$refinery = $DIC->refinery();
if ($request_wrapper->has('new_metabar_ui')
    && $request_wrapper->retrieve('new_metabar_ui', $refinery->kindlyTo()->int()) === 1
) {
    echo renderMetaBarInFullscreenMode($DIC);
function renderMetaBarInFullscreenMode(Container $dic): string
    $f = $dic->ui()->factory();
    $renderer = $dic->ui()->renderer();
    $logo = $f->image()->responsive("templates/default/images/logo/HeaderIcon.svg", "ILIAS");
    $responsive_logo = $f->image()->responsive("templates/default/images/logo/HeaderIconResponsive.svg", "ILIAS");
    $breadcrumbs = pageMetabarDemoCrumbs($f);
    $metabar = buildMetabar($f);
    $mainbar = pageMetabarDemoMainbar($f);
    $footer = pageMetabarDemoFooter($f);
    $tc = $dic->ui()->factory()->toast()->container();
    $content = pageMetabarDemoContent($f);
    $page = $f->layout()->page()->standard(
        'UI Meta Bar DEMO', //page title
        'ILIAS', //short title
        'ILIAS Meta Bar Demo' //view title
    return $renderer->render($page);
function pageMetabarDemoContent(\ILIAS\UI\Factory $f): array
    return [
            'All about the Meta Bar',
                "See above"
function pageMetabarDemoCrumbs(\ILIAS\UI\Factory $f): \ILIAS\UI\Component\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs
    return $f->breadcrumbs([]);
function pageMetabarDemoMainbar(\ILIAS\UI\Factory $f): \ILIAS\UI\Component\MainControls\MainBar
    return $f->mainControls()->mainBar();
function pageMetabarDemoFooter(\ILIAS\UI\Factory $f): \ILIAS\UI\Component\MainControls\Footer
    $text = 'Footer';
    $links = [];
    return $f->mainControls()->footer($links, $text);

Example 2: Extended example for developers

namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\MainControls\MetaBar;
 * This is a rather extended example on the usage of the Notification Item async
 * functionality provided by src/UI/templates/js/Item/notification.js.
 * See notification.js for a detailed description of the function. Note that
 * we use some il.DemoScope to store some JS for Demo purposes, it contains the
 * following three items:
 *  - DemoScopeRemaining: Integer, Counting how many Items are still there
 *  - DemoScopeAdded: Integer, Counting how many Items have been addedf
 *  - DemoScopeItem: Most importantly, the Notification Object for executing all the
 *      Async logic.
 * The functions of the public interface of interest featured here are:
 *  - getNotificationItemObject($item_or_object_inside_item): Most importantly, returning
 *       the Item Object, for access to all other functions of the interface.
 *  - replaceByAsyncItem(url,send_data): Replaces the item completely with a new retrieved async.
 *  - replaceContentByAsyncItemContent(url,send_data): Only replaces the data around the item
 *       (title, description and such)
 *  - addAsyncAggregate(url,send_data): Adds one aggregate retrieved async (the sub-like items).
 *  - getCounterObjectIfAny(): Gets an instance of the counter for manual manipulations.
 * Of further Interest could be (not featured here):
 *  - getCloseButtonOfItem(): Getting a jQuery instance of the close button, e.g. for attaching
 *     more interactions.
 * @return string
function extended_example_for_developers(): string
    //Set up the gears as always
    global $DIC;
    $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $refinery = $DIC->refinery();
    $request_wrapper = $DIC->http()->wrapper()->query();
    //Create some bare UI Components Notification Item to be used all over the place
    $icon = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard("chtr", "chtr");
    $title = $f->link()->standard("Some Title", "#");
    $item = $f->item()->notification($title, $icon);
    //We provide 4 async endpoints here
    //Endpoint if element ist closed
    $async_close = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=true&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=false';
    //Attach this directly to all items to be closable (showing the Close Button)
    $closable_item = $item->withCloseAction($async_close);
    //Endpoint if replace button is pressed
    $async_replace_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=true&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=false';
    //Endpoint if for only replacing data of the item (description, title etc.)
    $async_replace_content_load_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=true&async_add_aggregate=false';
    //Endpoint for adding one single aggreate item
    $async_add_aggregate = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=true';
    if ($request_wrapper->has('close_item') && $request_wrapper->retrieve('close_item', $refinery->kindlyTo()->string()) === "true") {
        //Note that we passe back JS logic here for further processing here
        $js = $f->legacy("")->withOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_content_load_url) {
            return "
                il.DemoScopeItem.replaceContentByAsyncItemContent('$async_replace_content_load_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeRemaining,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
        echo $renderer->renderAsync($js);
    if ($request_wrapper->has('async_load_replace') && $request_wrapper->retrieve('async_load_replace', $refinery->kindlyTo()->string()) === "true") {
        $remaining = $request_wrapper->retrieve("remaining", $refinery->kindlyTo()->int());
        $added = $request_wrapper->retrieve("added", $refinery->kindlyTo()->int());
        //We create the amount of aggregates send to us by get and put an according
        //description into the newly create Notification Item
        $items = [];
        for ($i = 1; $i < $added + 1; $i++) {
            $items[] = $closable_item->withDescription("This item is number: " . $i . " of a fix set of 10 entries.");
        $replacement = $item->withDescription("Number of Async non-closed Aggregates: " . $remaining . ", totally created: " . $added)
        echo $renderer->renderAsync([$replacement]);
    if ($request_wrapper->has('async_load_replace_content') && $request_wrapper->retrieve('async_load_replace_content', $refinery->kindlyTo()->string()) === "true") {
        $remaining = $request_wrapper->retrieve("remaining", $refinery->kindlyTo()->int());
        $added = $request_wrapper->retrieve("added", $refinery->kindlyTo()->int());
        $replacement = $item->withDescription("Number of Async non-closed Aggregates: " . $remaining . ", totally created: " . $added);
        echo $renderer->renderAsync([$replacement]);
    if ($request_wrapper->has('async_add_aggregate') && $request_wrapper->retrieve('async_add_aggregate', $refinery->kindlyTo()->string()) === "true") {
        $added = $request_wrapper->retrieve("added", $refinery->kindlyTo()->int());
        $new_aggregate = $closable_item->withDescription("The item has been added, Nr: " . $added);
        echo $renderer->renderAsync([$new_aggregate]);
    //Button with attached js logic to add one new Notification, note, that
    //we also change the description of the already existing parent Notification
    //Item holding the aggregates.
    $add_button = $f->button()->standard("Add Chat Notification", "#")
                    ->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url, $async_add_aggregate) {
                        return "
                            $('#$id').click(function() {
                                il.DemoScopeItem.addAsyncAggregate('$async_add_aggregate',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
                                il.DemoScopeItem.replaceContentByAsyncItemContent('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeRemaining,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
    //Resetting all counts to 0, remove all aggregates
    $reset_button = $f->button()->standard("Reset Chat", "#")
                      ->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url) {
                          return "
                            $('#$id').click(function() {
                                il.DemoScopeAdded = 0;
                                il.DemoScopeRemaining = 0;
                                il.DemoScopeItem.replaceByAsyncItem('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
    //Set all counts to a fixed value of ten.
    $set_button = $f->button()->standard("Set to 10 chat entries", "#")
                    ->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url) {
                        return "
                            $('#$id').click(function() {
                                il.DemoScopeAdded = 10;
                                il.DemoScopeRemaining = 10;
                                il.DemoScopeItem.replaceByAsyncItem('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
     * Important, this is the heart of the example. By creating our Notification Item
     * we attach in additionalOnLoad code the logic to store access to our freshly
     * created Notification Item.
    $async_item = $item
        ->withDescription("This is the original Version after the Page has loaded. Will be replaced completely.")
        ->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) {
            return "
                il.DemoScopeAdded = 0;
                il.DemoScopeRemaining = 0;
                il.DemoScopeItem = il.UI.item.notification.getNotificationItemObject($($id));
     * Note the work from here on is usually done by the global screen. This is
     * just done to get the example up and running and to give it a more realistic
     * look. See ilias/src/GlobalScreen/Scope/Notification/README.md
    return usuallyDoneByGlobalScreenProbablyIgnore($async_item, $f, $renderer, $add_button, $set_button, $reset_button);
function usuallyDoneByGlobalScreenProbablyIgnore($async_item, $f, $renderer, $add_button, $set_button, $reset_button)
    //Put the item in some slate.
    $async_slate = $f->mainControls()->slate()->notification("Chat", [$async_item]);
    //Just some candy, to give the whole example a more realistic look.
    $mail_icon = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard("mail", "mail");
    $mail_title = $f->link()->standard("Inbox", "link_to_inbox");
    $mail_notification_item = $f->item()->notification($mail_title, $mail_icon)
                                ->withDescription("You have 23 unread mails in your inbox")
                                ->withProperties(["Time" => "3 days ago"]);
    $mail_slate = $f->mainControls()->slate()->notification("Mail", [$mail_notification_item]);
    $notification_glyph = $f->symbol()->glyph()->notification("notification", "notification")
    $notification_center = $f->mainControls()->slate()
                             ->combined("Notification Center", $notification_glyph)
    $css_fix = "<style>.panel-primary .il-maincontrols-metabar{flex-direction: column;} .panel-primary .il-metabar-slates{position: relative;top: 0px;}</style>";
    return $css_fix . $renderer->render([buildMetabarWithNotifications($f, $notification_center),$add_button,$set_button,$reset_button]);
function buildMetabarWithNotifications($f, $notification_center)
    $help = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->help(), 'Help', '#');
    $search = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->search(), 'Search', '#');
    $user = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->user(), 'User', '#');
    $metabar = $f->mainControls()->metabar()
                 ->withAdditionalEntry('search', $search)
                 ->withAdditionalEntry('help', $help)
                 ->withAdditionalEntry('notification', $notification_center)
                 ->withAdditionalEntry('user', $user);
    return $metabar;


  1. UIComponent
  2. Main Controls