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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'

Date Time


A DateTime Input is used to enter dates and/or times.
DateTime Input will render a text field with the placeholder-attribute indicating the specified format. Next to the text field, a Calendar Glyph will trigger a popover containing a graphical selector/date-picker. Depending on configuration (withTimeOnly), next to the date-picker a time-picker will be shown.
When clicking the glyph, a popover is shown with the days of the month. Within the popover, the user may navigate to prior and following months.
  1. DateTime Input is used in forms.


Text field
Text Felds MUST NOT be used to input date-strings.


  1. When used as a time-only input, the glyph MUST be Time Glyph.

Example 1: Base

No result yet.

* Required
Pick any date you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD
Only allows to pick a date in the future. It will be shown in format DD.MM.YYYY
Only pick a time. It will be shown in format HH:mm
Pick any date and time you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm and be saved for your local time zone.
Pick any date and time you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm and be saved for Tokyo time zone.
Local time+date is preset. However, output will be in Tokyo timezone
Tokyo time+date is preset. Output is also Tokyo time.
You cannot pick anything, as the field is disabled
Pick any date you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD
namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\Input\Field\DateTime;
 * Base example showing how to plug date-inputs into a form
function base()
    //Step 0: Declare dependencies
    global $DIC;
    $ui = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $data = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory();
    $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $request = $DIC->http()->request();
    $ctrl = $DIC->ctrl();
    //Step 1: define the inputs
    $date = $ui->input()->field()->dateTime("Pick a date", "Pick any date you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD");
    $date_now = new \DateTimeImmutable('now');
    $formatted = $date
        ->withLabel('future only')
        ->withByline('Only allows to pick a date in the future. It will be shown in format DD.MM.YYYY');
    $time = $date->withTimeOnly(true)
        ->withLabel('time only')
        ->withByline('Only pick a time. It will be shown in format HH:mm');
    $both = $date->withUseTime(true)
        ->withLabel('both date and time')
        ->withByline('Pick any date and time you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm and be saved for your local time zone.');
    //setting a timezone will return a date with this timezone.
    $tz = 'Asia/Tokyo';
    $timezoned = $both->withTimezone($tz)
        ->withLabel('to Tokyo time')
        ->withByline('Pick any date and time you want. It will be shown in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm and be saved for Tokyo time zone.');
    //if you want a date converted to the timezone, do it on the date:
    $date_now = new \DateTime('now');
    $date_zoned = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($tz));
    //here is the usage of Data/DateFormat
    $format = $timezoned->getFormat()->toString() . ' H:i';
    $timezoned_preset1 = $timezoned
        ->withLabel('to Tokyo time with local preset')
        ->withByline('Local time+date is preset. However, output will be in Tokyo timezone');
    $timezoned_preset2 = $timezoned
        ->withLabel('Tokyo time, both preset and output')
        ->withByline('Tokyo time+date is preset. Output is also Tokyo time.');
    $disabled = $date
        ->withByline('You cannot pick anything, as the field is disabled');
    $required = $date->withRequired(true);
    //Step 2: define form and form actions
    $form = $ui->input()->container()->form()->standard('#', [
        'date' => $date,
        'formatted' => $formatted,
        'time_only' => $time,
        'both_datetime' => $both,
        'to_tokyotime' => $timezoned,
        'tokyotime_local_preset' => $timezoned_preset1,
        'tokyotime' => $timezoned_preset2,
        'disabled' => $disabled,
        'required' => $required
    //Step 3: implement some form data processing.
    if ($request->getMethod() == "POST") {
        $form = $form->withRequest($request);
        $result = $form->getData();
    } else {
        $result = "No result yet.";
    //Step 4: Render the form.
        "<pre>" . print_r($result, true) . "</pre><br/>" .


  1. UIComponent
  2. Input
  3. Field