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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'



Dropdowns reveal a list of interactions that change the system’s status or navigate to a different view.
Dropdown is a clickable, graphically obtrusive control element. It can bear text. On-click a list of Shy Buttons and optional Dividers is shown. Note that empty dropdowns are not rendered at all to keep the UI as clean as possible.
On-click, a list of actions is revealed. Clicking an item will trigger the action indicated. Clicking outside of an opened Dropdown will close the list of items.


Buttons are used, if single actions should be presented directly in the user interface.
Links are used to trigger actions that do not change the systems status. They are usually contained inside a Navigational Collection.
Dropdowns only provide a list of possible actions. Popovers can include more diverse and flexible content.


  1. Dropdowns MUST NOT be used standalone. They are only parts of more complex UI elements. These elements MUST define their use of Dropdown. E.g. a List or a Table MAY define that a certain kind of Dropdown is used as part of the UI element.
  1. Empty dropdowns MUST NOT be rendered at all to keep the UI as clean as possible.
  1. Only Dropdown Items MUST trigger an action or change a view. The Dropdown trigger element is only used to show and hide the list of Dropdown Items.
  1. The label of a Dropdown SHOULD contain no more than two words.
  2. Every word except articles, coordinating conjunctions and prepositions of four or fewer letters MUST be capitalized.
  3. For standard events such as saving or canceling the existing standard terms MUST be used if possible: Delete, Cut, Copy.
  4. There are cases where a non-standard label such as “Send Mail” for saving and sending the input of a specific form might deviate from the standard. These cases MUST however specifically justified.
  1. If Text is used inside a Dropdown label, the Dropdown MUST be at least six characters wide.
  1. DOM elements of type "button" MUST be used to properly identify an element as a Dropdown.
  2. Dropdown items MUST be implemented as "ul" list with a set of "li" elements and nested Shy Button elements for the actions.
  3. Triggers of Dropdowns MUST indicate their effect by the aria-haspopup attribute set to true.
  4. Triggers of Dropdowns MUST indicate the current state of the Dropdown by the aria-expanded label.
  5. Dropdowns MUST be accessible by keyboard by focusing the trigger element and clicking the return key.
  6. Entries in a Dropdown MUST be accessible by the tab-key if opened.
  7. The focus MAY leave the Dropdown if tab is pressed while focusing the last element. This differs from the behaviour in Popovers and Modals.
  8. If the description of the contained options are not already given by the component containing the dropdown or the button triggering it, then it MUST be set with the aria-label. If the aria-label is just the title of the corresponding button, it MUST be omitted.


  1. UIComponent
  • Standard