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Kitchen Sink documentation of style: 'Delos' of skin: 'ILIAS'



The pagination view control is used to display a section of a larger set of data. It allows the user to navigate through the pages by selecting the respective page and to change the amount of displayed entries.
Section/Offset are controlled by a "previous" and "next" glyph to navigate through the pages; shy-buttons are used for the distinct selection of a page. A second dropdown is used to select the amount of shown entries. When the total amount of records is unknown, a Numeric Input is used to directly enter the offset along with a button to apply the inputs.
Available ranges/pages are calculated by the given number of entries; when the number of entries is set to "unlimited" (PHP_MAX_INT), the section-control is not being displayed. When changing the amount of entries, pages are re-calculated and current offset is being set to the closest starting-point. If a previous/next chunk of data is not available, the according glyph is rendered unavailable. When there are more than a given amount of pages in total, first and last page will be available along with the pages surrounding the current one.

Example 1: Base

    [0] => ILIAS\Data\Range Object
            [start:protected] => 30
            [length:protected] => 10


namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
use ILIAS\UI\Implementation\Component\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
function base()
    global $DIC;
    $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $r = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $pagination = $f->input()->viewControl()->pagination()
        ->withValue([Pagination::FNAME_OFFSET => 31, Pagination::FNAME_LIMIT => 10])
    //view this in a ViewControlContainer with active request
    $vc_container = $f->input()->container()->viewControl()->standard([$pagination])
    return $r->render([
        $f->legacy('<pre>' . print_r($vc_container->getData(), true) . '</pre>'),

Example 2: With limit options

namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
use ILIAS\UI\Implementation\Component\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
function with_limit_options()
    global $DIC;
    $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $r = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $dummy_signal = new \ILIAS\UI\Implementation\Component\Signal('');
    $pagination_with_value = $f->input()->viewControl()->pagination()
        ->withValue([Pagination::FNAME_OFFSET => 40, Pagination::FNAME_LIMIT => 10]);
    $pagination_with_options = $f->input()->viewControl()->pagination()
    $pagination_without_total = $f->input()->viewControl()->pagination()
        ->withValue([Pagination::FNAME_OFFSET => 42, Pagination::FNAME_LIMIT => 10]);
    return $r->render([

Example 3: With one page

    [0] => ILIAS\Data\Range Object
            [start:protected] => 0
            [length:protected] => 10


namespace ILIAS\UI\examples\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
use ILIAS\UI\Implementation\Component\Input\ViewControl\Pagination;
function with_one_page()
    global $DIC;
    $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
    $r = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
    $pagination = $f->input()->viewControl()->pagination()
        ->withValue([Pagination::FNAME_OFFSET => 0, Pagination::FNAME_LIMIT => 10])
    //view this in a ViewControlContainer with active request
    $vc_container = $f->input()->container()->viewControl()->standard([$pagination])
    return $r->render([
        $f->legacy('<pre>' . print_r($vc_container->getData(), true) . '</pre>'),


  1. UIComponent
  2. Input
  3. View Control